Ozarks Best Home Solutions, LLC
Ozarks Best Home Solutions, LLC

Greenbriar Apartments for Rent

Check out the apartments we have available now



Conveniently located behind Walmart in the heart of Nixa, Missouri, these apartments feature a great location as well as a reasonable rent. Features include 1 & 2 bedrooms, one bathroom, kitchen & dining area, living room, refrigerator, range, dishwasher, washer/dryer hookup. Resident responsible for all utilities; lawn care provided. Small pets allowed, maximum of 2 (under 20 pounds) with a $250 pet fee/pet and an additional $25/pet/month.

Mailing Address:

Ozarks Best Home Solutions, LLC
 PO Box 3411

Springfield, MO 65808-3411



Office Location:

1110 S. Crutcher Ave.

Springfield, MO 65804



Phone: 417- 693-6917 417- 693-6917
Fax: 417-268-9041
E-mail: ozarksbesthomes@gmail.com

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